
2009 Texas 200 prep page

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Saved by Kevin
on May 24, 2009 at 9:52:57 pm



Some Things have been Accomplished.  Not everything.  Still, it's progress.  So, on the "Done" list go the following:


  • Glassed the inside of the center section, glassed over the old scuppers and the hole in the bottom
  • Installed the first layer of pink Dow foam, to make the built in cooler in the center section
  • Installed and screwed all the deck beams except the ones in the cockpit, those go in after all the foam is installed.
  • Glassed all the deck beams to the gunwales
  • Cut out the decks, ready to install tomorrow
  • Laurent's sail is done.  I put 3 of the 4 required reef points on, and then managed to break my Pfaff 130, which had survived something like seventy years of abuse up to now.  Dang it.  I'll take it in to one of the ever-decreasing number of old guys who know how to fix these things, I guess. Happily, I don't think I  have to do any sewing on my sails before the T200.


The new GPS should be here, er.  Soon.  Very soon.  I hope.  Then I feel I shall trundle on up to Houston for a nice day with Laurent, who has the same model, and whom I hope can get me up to speed in an evening of tutoring. 


Tomorrow I slather epoxy all over the deck beams, coat the undersides of the decks, screw the decks down with 1" deck screws.  Then pull the screws, use a flush cut router bit to trim the edges and the hatch openings, round the gunwales, glass the deck, and install the hatches.  No problem.




This is becoming my public "done/to do" list, I guess.  I can't imagine that it's very interesting, but I'm reading Dan's, so maybe someone is reading this.  Thus:


Done today so far:

  • Hung padded headboard and carved wall hangy things over bed, to make The Girl happy.  Of course the very attractive third world carved wall hangy things all had hangers on the back at different heights.
  • Took pictures of geese in backyard
  • Got breakfast burrito at Buckees.  Man that's good.
  • Bought new GPS and binoculars on ebay
  • Ordered more epoxy and glass cloth, I'm running low
  • Took care of my two "very last, I swear this is it" little tasks at work.  I think this is it.







This is a blog style page intended to spur me to greater efforts in getting ready for the Texas 200, which at this moment is, uh, let's see, 17 days away.  Which means I have 15 days to get ready to leave.  Hoo boy.


Ok, so what I have to do on the boat itself is:


  • Finish gluing in deck beams
  • Install decks
  • Install foam in center section to make built in cooler
  • Glass decks
  • Install hatches
  • Make waterbreaks in front of hatches
  • Install flotation in big hull bows
  • Paint
  • Re-work ama end of the platform
  • Re-work where the ama struts attach to the platform
  • Make some kind of tether, since I'm going to be sailing alone
  • Finish modifying the downhaul and vang attachments to the masts
  • Make (much) lighter battens for the sails
  • Make roller furlers for jibs
  • Attach beach chairs to platform
  • Replace worn out rudder pin housings
  • Make carbon rudder pins
  • Wrap tiller extensions in inner tube (good idea I stole from Laurent)


What else do I have to do?  Let's see:


  • Reef points on Laurent's sail
  • Shorten tramp
  • Get a new GPS.  Rat bastards stole my brand new Garmin out of my truck.  I hadn't had it a week.  They also stole my binoculars.
  • Get new binoculars
  • Get maps together
  • Install depth sounder?  Huh, maybe. 
  • Get camping gear together
  • Find my hat
  • Find a bottle of Cielo Anejo and purchase
  • Cobble together a way to put my helmet cam on my hat, or somewhere I don't have to hold it while filming


I'm sure more will occur to me as time passes.  At least I'm off work.  Tonight I cut and installed most of the deck beams, I'll finish up tomorrow and will start cutting and gluing in the foam for the cooler.  Tomorrow afternoon I break out the sewing machine!



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