

Page history last edited by Kevin 7 years, 11 months ago

 Welcome to Wikiproa






This site is intended to be a collaborative repository for articles on sailing proas, whether home or professionally built, modern or historical; for a definition of a 'proa', please see the wikipedia article here.  It's not intended to be a discussion site, since there's already an excellent proa discussion site on the web, the yahoo group proa_file, which is here.





Please feel free to wander about and have a look.  You don't need a password to view any of the pages.  If you would like to add content you are more than welcome to do so; for that you do need a password.  Email me at and I'll be happy to give it to you.  So start a page, even a small one, tell us about your boat!  You can go back and edit and add pictures and so on as you have the time


New pages / Race and Raid Announcements

New!  Chris Grill's T2 adventures in Mexico:  (external link)


Wonderful blog about sailing a Dierking proa along the coast of Mexico.  Highly recommended.


2011 Texas Proa Championships race announcement


Kiko Johnston-Kitazawa  Double canoe and proa sailing in Hawai'i


2010 Texas 200 news page


Third annual Texas Proa Championships report


Skip Johnson's new boat: Bionic Broomstick


Refitting Swordfish



Proas datasheet  


Archived "dead links"; old proa web pages re-energized and available again for your viewing pleasure


Proa links, videos and books



Rudder systems




Sailing Reports:


Hokianga Raid January 2010


1st New Zealand Proa Congress




First Annual Texas Proa Championships 2008 Race Report  


Second Annual Texas Proa Championships 2009 Race Report




2008 T200 by Kevin O'Neill



2009 Texas 200 blog


2009 T200 by Kevin O'Neill


2009 T200 by Skip Johnson


2009 T200 by Dan St Gean



Sailing in Matagorda, April 2011, by Kevin O'Neill





18' Proa built by Peter Schuhmayer in Austria



Squid, an Mbuli in New Zealand



"Pjoa" built by Janusz Ostrowski in Poland 



Doug Haines' Sidecar  in Australia



Paul Bowker's "Te Wheke" in Hokianga, New Zealand Ply Proa with rocker hull design page



Leon Close's boats in Australia Updated April 2011   (Leon's older stuff)



Skip Johnson's "P52" in Cypress, Texas


Kevin O'Neill's "Skate" in Lake Jackson, Texas





Peter Mirow's 30 ft. tacker "Arpex" in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil Updated June/July 2014


Dave Pont's "Korari" in New Zealand


Dave's Ulua Tacking Outrigger


Peter Haydon's "Anima" in Australia 


Kalang Outrigger, by Leon Close  


Two Dierking Tamanu Canoes by Dan St Gean and Brian Rugg


Wade Tarzia's boats in Waterbury, Conneticut



George Schnellman's WaApa in South Carolina



Rosario's WaApa in Italy  



Dan St Gean's 21' Ulua--now sold to a fellow outrigger enthusiast!



Kevin O'Neill's "Scout", circa 2001  




*New* (or at least not yet linked)


Proa_file archives (three pages)


Vintage walaps from Berlin Museum, 3D anaglyphs & stereo pairs 


Engravings & models: Ndrua, Kalia, 'Alia, Tuamotu's Pahi, Tepuke, various.


FAQs and other internal Wikiproa links


website statistics

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