Race Report
by Kevin O'Neill
So we had a race! There was illness, a plague of calms, breakages and bugs. And still Sunday was one of the better sailing days I've ever had, perhaps due to the low expectations we all felt after Saturday was so miserable.
I've been informed that these pages load slowly for some people when they have a lot of pictures or youtube links on them, so I'm going to break the report up into a bunch of linked shorter pages. At the bottom of each page is a link to the next. I hope this will help with the load time.
I was determined to take a bunch of videos, no matter what, even if I was sailing and couldn't really pay attention to the camera. I did, I got thirty some videos in all, ranging from 15 seconds to about 2 minutes. Some are so jumbled and poorly shot they're unwatchable. I'm including the best here, but be warned that they were shot while I was sailing, often while I was racing, so the shakeycam effect is in full force. Also, the wind noise is terrible in some of them, and I appear to be unable to hold the stupid thing without my thumb on the mic, which makes for a bit of mic noise. You may wish to turn the sound off on the videos and put on some good sailing music, Linkin Park doing "Sea Shanties of the Cornwall Coast" or something similar.
On to the races!
TPC 2009 p1
Complete list of pages after this one:
TPC 2009 p2
TPC 2009 p3
TPC 2009 p4
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