
Proas datasheet

Page history last edited by 10 years, 6 months ago

The file below is an excel spreadsheet with REAL proas data that I gathered over time on web pages, forum posts, or talking to the owners. It can be used as a reference to understand how the main design parameters, length, displacement, sail area, distance between hulls, etc. relate to each other, depending on the overall size of the boat.

The first spreadsheet is the raw data; data entries are in the light green columns; the remaining columns are conversion to imperial units, and some coefficient calculations. The second spreadsheet is a series of graphs from the raw data. The first big graph is all the key parameters plotted together for the 11 proas currently on the list. Other graphs on the side and below are more detailed views for specific parameters.


Please feel free to download the spreadsheet and work with it. If there are mistakes or inaccurate data, please email me at lcoquilleau (at) yahoo dot com so I can correct. If you want me to add information on your own boat, email me at the same address.







Proas specs.xlsx

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